Friday, December 20, 2013

Create the best version of yourself

It's a funny thing how life happens..

"Where we belong is often where we least expect to find ourselves." - Emily Giffin

So crazy to think that I made it through my first quarter of optometry school and I'm slowly dragging myself through second quarter. Is this reality? Am I awake? Or is this all a dream? Because honestly every time I'm taking a nap during lunch or in between classes, I wake up in a frantic panic that I've missed our 8AM exam. NO surprise there. But without a doubt, I had already taken the exam and skipped class just to take a nap instead. haha oops. Or because Donati's monotoned voice is just TOO much for me to handle after a test. 

People may say that you change once you enter professional school. Okay true, but I also think you're constantly changing and growing throughout your life, just as if your lens were continuing to increase in thickness throughout life. LOL. Okay nerd alert. The most I've learned about optometry school isn't just about every intense layer of the cornea, but  about who I am and who I'm going to become. And I didn't realize what I was capable of.. I didn't think I would stay up past my bedtime, or that I had to take at LEAST three exams a week. I didn't realize the greatest friends I'd make would be my family, or I didn't know the difference from a suburb girl from being a city girl.

Mainly...I didn't know that I would be forced to grow up this quickly.

So I guess you could say I'm slowly becoming a big girl now, eh? Even though I haven't grown an inch since maybe freshmen year of college.. 4'9" and going strong though yo! But that's alright, because sometimes I like to think that I'm still growing, regardless if I can reach the top of the cabinet or not. I'm still reaching the top of where I need to be. And that may not be the most superficial part, but it is the one I created for myself and only me.

Being away from the closest people that understand and know me the most has taught me to appreciate what I have and who I have. Not that I never did before, but it makes coming home worth more. Because being alone is just that; alone. I've always been an advocate for independence and sometimes independence isn't all that.

You need others by you and they need you.
And those at home are still waiting and ready to welcome the new you.
But all I've done so far is create the best version of myself each and every day.

Because wherever I belong, is where I will be myself
since everyone is already taken.

#fashionableframes #SALT 


Home is the place where you feel most alive and true to yourself. #sissies


#fambam #cuzluv 


#ICO beezies




#chitown #citylife 

#wecan'tstop #wewon'tstop


writing this, lol >.<

"You too can be carved anew
by the details of your devotions"
- Mary Oliver

love, T.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Time Keeper

I can sense my salivary amylase itching to do work..
..was my response to a text conversation about food for a study break.

Did I really just do that? Um, yes.
(Epitome of an optometry student)

I've been in Chicago for three weeks now and all I do is reference back to the 318 pages I've learned in one whole week (because I'm still working on the other 600 pages). Thankfully I can only say that I'm surviving.. at least for now.

ICO has become my home, my family and has completely taken over my entire life within mere seconds since move-in day. Three weeks ago seemed like MONTHS ago. Where did the time go? I still remember the look on all the upperclassmen's face when we pulled up to the Residential Complex. They were astonished by my dad's intricate contraption to secure my moving boxes on top of our 4runner. And probably even more amazed when four tiny asian people stepped out of the vehicle. Embarrassing much? Not really because then I made friends that way. Thanks dad, you keep my social life alive.

And to top off my first night sleeping (not sober) in the RC, we had our very first year, welcoming keggar party. Plus some flip cup action as well. I'd say they couldn't be any more welcoming.

Orientation week followed and the days just blended in with daunting amount of information thrown at from you left to right about financial aid, student organizations, networking, professionalism (like we know what that means), tips on how to pass Dr. T's anatomy course and other little snippets on how to survive the L in Chicago. It's almost as if everything got blurrier as the day moved forward instead of clearer. Isn't that the opposite of what I'm here for? Ha. In the midst of it all, I suppose this is my new challenge to refract my life into focus... right?

From Dr. Baker's metaphoric speech about running a marathon while we're in school to Dr. Goodfellow's talk about time management, I'm beginning to understand what they were preparing us for.

Time is key. Time is of the essence. Time means you MUST have a plan.

Then I delved into the first week of school and I was excited to get back into my normal routine. However this time wasn't my normal OCD routine I would have. Every day is different: sometimes I'd work out in the morning, sometimes classes would be in the evening, sometimes I don't even know what the exact date is--which instantaneously throws off my lecture notes. OOPS. So learning to deviate from my usual, strict schedule is a hard task, but one task in which I am bound to overcome. Because now it's the beginning of our lives here at ICO, where our time is devoted and dedicated to the patients.

And even though it may feel as if I'm constantly running out of time, trying to keep up with time or counting down time (that's left until I finish first quarter); what I do know is that time is absolutely precious.

After reading "The Time Keeper" this past summer (by Mitch Albom), I realize now that in THIS moment of time, is the BEST time and it's going according to plan.

'Cause these are the good times in your life, so put on a smile and everything will be alright :) #CalvinHarris 

#ICOlympics #FirstYear




#ChiTown #MyWorld

"In this moment, there is plenty of time. 
In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. 
In this moment, there is infinite potential."
-Victoria Moran 

love, T.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eye on July.

As I glance through my calendar, I thought I had my "eye on July," not realizing that there is only 8 days left until August begins and 14 days until my life in Chicago begins.

Panicking much? SLIGHTLY.

Do I really know what I am getting myself into? NO. 

Am I ready to find out once I am there? YES.

Perusing through my "To-Do List" for the next two weeks has increased my level of stress and anxiety exponentially. Yet at the same time, I felt an immense rush of blissful emotions coming at me. Life is sinking in realllll hard, but my future is near in focus. 

I've already started to categorize and label boxes of my belongings in order to move-OUT of Lawrence, KS and begin my move-IN to Chicago, IL. Of course, I hate everything and anything about the entire process of packing. Although this time it seems to be a bittersweet project as I reminisce over Mass St. bars and foodie adventures, midnight snacks at Munchers Bakery, meltdowns during March Madness, and most of all, the memorable friendships I have made. I can truly say that KU has helped me define myself. It has been a wonderful experience these 4 years of undergraduate, but now my time has come to an end. I'm ready to climb the challenge and redefine who I am as I enter 4 years of optometry school. 

And this month just flew by with incredible events: One of my best friends moved away, I spent 4th of July with Austin (TX that is), my sister got ENGAGED to her fiance, and I've continued to meet new individuals as I leave my legacy at KU behind; just to name a few. 

But now is the time to get my eye off July and into what is clear in sight.

"Watch with glittering eyes" -Ronald Dahl

#tbt #Chitown

"As a man is, so he sees.
As the eye is formed, such are its powers."
-William Blake 

love, T.

Monday, June 24, 2013

IG only for me.

If anybody knows me, I am the girl who is literally obsessed with instagram. Since the start of this application, I became an inveterate instagrammer--completely dedicated and loyal to posting images of my daily life. It's something about taking just the right photo, picking just the right filter, and commenting just the right caption that captivates me. Not to mention adding the perfect emoji's and #hashtags to complete my snapshot.

A perfect instagram to me doesn't take 2-3 minutes, rather, 60 minutes should suffice.

So only in my eyes, IG is just right for me--defining and inspiring through my own glossy lens.

#October2012 #Halloween #styleonthehill

Oh, I also fiend for my number of likes. ♥ #doubletap

Follow me @teheheresa

"The aim of life is self-development. 
To realize one's nature perfectly--that 
is what each of us is here for." - Oscar Wilde

love, T.